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Ghost of a Dream
When the Smoke Clears: The Fair Housing Project,  2016

Smack Mellon, NY


My Role: Curator / Production Director

Selected Press:



Ghost of a Dream breathes new life into discarded materials once destined for a landfill with their multimedia installation When the Smoke Clears: The Fair Housing Project.  Refuse dug up from the heaps of trash created by art fairs from across the US are reclaimed as building materials to create a small house and other art objects. Surrounding the house, a multi-channel video shows the structure situated by a lake and slowly reveals its unnatural disappearance from its previous location.  Making a comparison to the housing market, the work questions the long-term sustainability of the art market and the wasteful nature of the art fairs’ capitalistic ventures.

Ghost of a Dream is the collaborative efforts of Adam Eckstrom and Lauren Was.  Their most recent exhibitions were at are Crystal Bridges Museum, The Telfair Museum and the Minneapolis Institute of Art.  In Europe they are currently represented by Galerie Paris Beijing (Paris) and Christoffer Egelund (Copenhagen).  Ghost of a Dream has received support from Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York Foundation for the Arts, Joan Mitchell Foundation and Jerome Foundation and received the first annual Young Masters Art Prize in London, 2009. Ghost of a Dream has attended residencies in Berlin, Basel, Beijing, France, various cities around the United States, and have recently co-founded a new artist residency, ArtGarda, in northern Italy. 

More info about the exhibition on Smack Mellon website.

Image courtesy of the artist and Smack Mellon. Photo by Etienne Frossard.


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